Silicon is a naturally occurring mineral that is most commonly found in the form of Silica. The highest concentrations of Silicon within the body are found in the skin and hair. Silicon is required for the healthy development and functioning of connective tissues including hair, skin, nails, bone and cartilage.
Insufficient Silica is associated with brittle and weak nails and hair and may contribute to a lack of integrity of collagen within the body. Silica is also an important component of teeth and supports the bone matrix. It is one of the essential nutrients for the metabolism of Calcium in the bone structure.
Henry Blooms Super Colloidal Silica is a great source of Silicon as it contains silica micro-particles in a colloidal form, this allows for easier absorption and utilisation of Silicon in the body. Several factors contribute to decreasing levels of Silicon within the body. Variations in the food supply chain can lead to inconsistent dietary intake. Filtration of water and the increased consumption of bottled water also reduces the amount of Silicon that is being obtained through the water source. On top of this, Silicon levels tend to naturally decrease with ageing.